Each year, approximately eight City/County Management Fellows who demonstrate a history of public service and a commitment to a future in local government management are selected through a rigorous process.
Applicants are selected from a pool of outstanding Master of Public Administration (MPA) candidates already offered admission to the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. Outstanding alumni executives from the field of public administration participate in the final selection of Fellows.
Demonstrated commitment to public service is the hallmark of a Fellow. Extraordinary intellectual distinction is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for election to the Fellowship. Selection committee members are charged to seek excellence in qualities of intelligence and character which, in combination, offer the promise of effective service to local government in Southern California and abroad in the decades ahead.
The Fellowship, in short, is an investment in the whole of individuals rather than just academic achievement or study. Its foundation is grounded on challenging students to demonstrate their commitment to service of others through action. Accordingly, applications are sought from talented Masters of Public Administration students without restriction as to their background of service or study.
Election to the Fellowship is normally for two years. A partial scholarship for completion of an MPA at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy, plus affiliated professional development benefits, including internships, travel to professional conferences and memberships, are renewable each year.
For more information on the fellowship, and the numerous benefits it provides, please see our brochure.