USC Price’s multidisciplinary nature provides a cohesive education with breadth and depth that sets the Master of Urban Planning (MUP) program apart.
To prepare themselves for a wide range of careers, MUP students are encouraged to take courses offered within related master’s degree programs: public administration, public policy, real estate development, health administration, and nonprofit management.
“One of my most powerful experiences at USC Price was giving a presentation in Beijing as a graduate student to an audience of international development professionals. Few schools can offer that kind of opportunity.”
Michael Vanderbeek, MUP ’05
Manager, Strategic Planning and Performance Management, Port of Long Beach
The MUP program offers both academic and real-world experiences, drawing on a network of engaged alumni, advisors and prominent professionals. The MUP program has an active Advisory Board comprised of leaders in all aspects of urban planning. They provide strategic direction to the urban planning program, serve as guest speakers in class and mentors and internship supervisors to students, and assist in student placement. There are approximately 300 prominent practitioners who serve as advisory board members, mentors, internship providers, externship providers, guest speakers to classes and to student groups who assist students in their career and professional development.
The MUP program is located in the Price School of Public Policy whose mission is to improve quality of life for people and their communities, in the US and abroad. USC Price offers degree programs in public administration, public policy, urban planning, real estate development, and health administration. These programs share some common core courses, international labs, research, and capstone experiences.
MUP students are encouraged to take courses as electives offered by related master’s degree programs. An MUP student’s peers in public administration and real estate development today may become their future colleagues in city hall and development firms.
USC Price is indeed an interdisciplinary school. But we also take this a step further by fostering holistic integration of research and scholarship to solve problems at the problem level. Price students enjoy the flexibility to dive deep or swim far as they take on complex policy issues of the 21st century.
Beyond Interdisciplinary
L.A. swells with ethnic, cultural and economic diversity. This dynamic city looks today like the society of tomorrow. Students who study here have abundant resources to better grasp the problems and solutions that affect quality of life. The more you explore, the more clear it becomes: policy today is leading from the west!
Dynamic L.A.
Many insitutions say they are "global." USC, however, gives this meaning. We don't simply offer international experiences — the university is designed to reflect and infuse global society. Critical policy issues transcend boundaries, so USC Price students are trained to address them with broad perspective.
Bringing Global Home
Research is a hallmark of USC Price. Faculty are frequently called upon to provide expertise at local, national and international levels. USC is among the top-10 nationwide in federally funded research — we set the cutting-edge by providing resources, techonology and agility for those who boldly approach challenging issues.
A Premier Research University
Leaving campus does not mean you leave USC. Over 16,000 Price alumni from all 50 states and over 40 countries form a vast, supportive network. Our alumni are deeply engaged. They serve as mentors and professional resources — united by a uniquely enduring bond to the Trojan family.
Trojan Alumni Network