The USC Schwarzenegger Institute has initiated a grant program for local election officials to receive funding to assist with the challenges related to polling sites, COVID-19, and the November election.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is paying these grants out of his own pocket up to several million dollars in response to the closure of thousands of polling locations across the country due to lack of funding. Awarded grants are non-partisan and will be awarded to those who demonstrate the greatest need and ability to close gaps in voting access. “I don’t care if you are an independent authority, a Democratic elections official, or a Republican elections official – I just don’t want a single American to lose their ability to vote because of a lack of funding. I think this could be one of the best investments I have ever made,” says Gov. Schwarzenegger.
The USC Schwarzenegger Institute under the leadership of Price Professor Christian Grose, Conyers Davis, and Gov. Schwarzenegger will convene a committee to determine grant winners and amounts. The committee anticipates reviewing the proposals within 48-72 hours of receipt in order to distribute funds as quickly as possible.
Governor Downey Professor of State and Local Policy