Cargo and cargo ship in a port

Economic Development

Promoting vibrant and prosperous communities

USC Price School research analyzes drivers of economic development, examining employment strategies to promote growth; how fashion, art and culture affect economies; and the role of hospitals and clinics in neighborhood economic development. The Advanced Manufacturing Partnership for Southern California (AMP SoCal), led by the Price School – USC Center for Economic Development in partnership with the City of L.A., has helped create 5,300+ jobs and retain 3,200+ more across the region’s aerospace and defense sectors since 2014.

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Economic Development Faculty

Explore USC Price faculty and their cross-disciplinary scholarship

Elizabeth Currid-HalkettElizabeth Currid-HalkettProfessor
James Irvine Chair in Urban and Regional Planning
Economic development, the arts, cultural economy, social networks, urban growth, economic geography
Eric HeikkilaProfessorUrban development, economic development, East Asian cities, urban economics, urban information systems
Leonard MitchellProfessor of the Practice of Economic Development
Executive Director, Center for Economic Development
Real estate development finance and law, regional and local economic development, economic development finance and law, international trade finance and law
Christian L. RedfearnAssociate ProfessorPublic policy, urban economics, housing markets, real estate finance
Shui Yan Tang headshotShui Yan TangProfessor
Frances R. and John J. Duggan Professor in Public Administration
Chair, Department of Public Policy and Management
Institutional Analysis and Design; Collaborative Governance; Local and Community-based Governance; Common-Pool Resource Governance; Environmental Politics and Policy; Microfinance
Professor Michael ThomMichael ThomAssociate Professor (Teaching)
Director, DPPD Program
Taxation; public finance; regulatory policy; public policy analysis; political philosophy