American flag flying in front of the the Capitol Building


Making government and civil society more effective

Since 1929, the USC Price School has earned broad distinction as a robust empirical resource that shapes and leads the study of governance and civic engagement. Price faculty produce widely cited research and engage public officials as a result of their shared commitment to making government and civil society more effective.

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Governance Faculty

Explore USC Price faculty and their cross-disciplinary scholarship

Emma AguilaEmma AguilaAssociate ProfessorEconomics of aging, health economics, and applied econometrics
Tara BlancTara BlancAssociate Professor (Teaching)Civic engagement, leadership, public service ethics, political behavior
James FerrisJames M. FerrisProfessor
Emery Evans Olson Chair in Non-Profit Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
Director, Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy
Philanthropy, nonprofit economics, public finance, public policy, institutional analysis
Elizabeth GraddyProfessor
Jeffrey J. Miller Chair in Government, Business, and the Economy
Institutional economics, governance, nonprofit organizations,industry structure
Jeff Jenkins headshotJeffery A. JenkinsProvost Professor of Public Policy, Political Science, and Law
Maria B. Crutcher Professor of Citizenship and Democratic Values; Director, PIPE Collaborative
American political institutions and development, Congress, political parties, lawmaking, separation-of-powers, political economy
Dora VertentenDora Kingsley VertentenProfessor (Teaching)
Coordinator, Master of Public Administration – Online
Public policy, intergovernmental management, non-profit management, strategic planning, social media and information technologies useful in collaborative and participatory democracy
William LeachWilliam LeachProfessor (Teaching)Collaborative governance, planning, social policy, environmental policy, health policy, marine aquaculture
Julie MarshJulie MarshProfessor of Education Policy and Public PolicyK-12 Education Policy and Governance, Accountability, Teacher Incentive Programs, Data-Driven Reforms, School District Reform, School Choice, Equity-Oriented Reforms, Literacy Coaching
Pamela McCann headshotPamela McCannAssociate ProfessorAmerican political institutions, bureaucratic delegation, intergovernmental politics, legislative behavior, public policy, and policy diffusion
Juliet Ann Musso headshotJuliet Ann MussoAssociate Professor
Vice Dean for Graduate Programs
State and local governance; federalism, urban political economy, fiscal policy, community governance, government performance.
Deborah J. NatoliDeborah J. NatoliProfessor (Teaching)Adult development and learning, leadership, human behavior and organizations, depth psychology and psychoanalysis
Mark PisanoProfessor of the Practice of Public AdministrationRegional planning, transportation, housing, development, environmental policy, enterprise financing, institutional design
Kelly Rawlings headshotKelly RawlingsAssociate Professor (Teaching)Civic engagement and public participation, organizational behavior, nonprofit leadership and management, transformational leadership and change
Bill Resh headshotWilliam G. ReshAssociate Professor
C.C. Crawford Professor in Management and Performance
Public Management, US presidency and executive politics, policy implementation, organization theory, personnel policy, organizational behavior
Peter Robertson headshot 2019Peter J. RobertsonAssociate ProfessorOrganizational theory and behavior, organizational change, ecological governance, collaborative organizing, interorganizational networks
Erroll SouthersErroll G. SouthersProfessor of the Practice in National and Homeland Security
Associate Senior Vice President, Safety and Risk Assurance
Counterterrorism, homegrown violent extremism, school violence prevention
Shui Yan Tang headshotShui Yan TangProfessor
Frances R. and John J. Duggan Professor in Public Administration
Chair, Department of Public Policy and Management
Institutional Analysis and Design; Collaborative Governance; Local and Community-based Governance; Common-Pool Resource Governance; Environmental Politics and Policy; Microfinance
Professor Michael ThomMichael ThomAssociate Professor (Teaching)
Director, DPPD Program
Taxation; public finance; regulatory policy; public policy analysis; political philosophy
Frank Zerunyan headshotFrank V. ZerunyanProfessor of the Practice of Governance
Director, Executive Education Programs; Director, ROTC Programs
Local Governments, Administrative Law, Public Private Partnerships, Leadership, Negotiation, and Executive Education