We invite USC Price students, faculty, alumni and staff to contribute their stories with the goal of advancing an important dialogue and learning within our community. To get started please read the instructions below.
Submit your story by using the button below. Your story can be past or present, inspiring or painful, from in or outside of our school. Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Dr. LaVonna Lewis, will acknowledge receipt and review your submission. Dr. Lewis respond with questions or suggestions prior to posting. Should you choose to submit your story anonymously, specify that your name be omitted before publishing.
Moving Forward is a part of the official USC Price School website, each submission will be vetted for appropriate language and general alignment with university policies. USC Price is committed to not censoring our wide range of voices, opinions and thoughts. Should your entry require editing or be deemed inappropriate, you will be notified upon receipt and review of your submission.
Your stories will appear only in the Price School’s “Moving Forward” hosted online forum and will not be used for any other purpose without your permission unless a USC violation has occurred. Please note that the Price School’s website is public, so people outside of the Price community will have access to it and may view your published submission.
If you are student who has experienced or are experiencing an incident of discrimination at USC or the USC Price School, please contact your Department Chair or Program Administrator for support. Click here to view resources specific to USC Price.