Current USC students are invited to review the information below to learn more about adding the Real Estate Development major. Submit a BRED Major Interest Form so we are aware of your interest and intent to get the process started.
Current USC students must satisfy the following requirements prior to admission:
Incoming USC students can add the Real Estate Development major before Orientation and through week three of their first semester. Prerequisites for admission:
1. Learn More
To learn more about the BRED requirements and admission process, watch the presentation below.
2. Contact Us
Submit a BRED Interest Form to let us know your interest. We will reach out with suggestions for next semester. NOTE: The BRED major requires a minimum of five semesters to complete. So be sure to plan accordingly.
3. Enroll in Pre-Admission Courses
Enroll in these courses before applying for admission.
Semester One
Semester While Awaiting Admission Decision
4. Apply for Admission
Students must complete admission requirements before applying. Admission decisions are made after semester grades are available. Once admissions requirements are complete, reach out to Bella Benson ([email protected]) to continue the change of major process.
Deadlines to apply: