Potential for distinguished academic and professional achievement is the principal criterion for admission to the MHA program. In assessing an application the admission committee evaluates:
In general, successful applicants will have attained at least a 3.0 undergraduate GPA.
Students are encouraged to submit applications prior to December 15, should they wish to be considered for USC Price Scholarships. Since the admission review process does not include an interview, submitted materials should present student qualifications clearly and completely.
» Application Materials
» International Application Materials
» Application Deadlines
» Funding
The following items are required in order to complete the applications process:
(NOTE: For your convenience, please save and use the Application Checklist)
December 15 (scholarship deadline)
May 1 (international applicant final deadline)
July 1 (domestic applicant final deadline)
Application Deadline Schedule »
USC Price offers scholarships for domestic and international students. Please visit the Financial Aid section of our Web site for more details and an application. The USC Financial Aid Office also provides financial aid packages to U.S. citizens and eligible non-U.S. citizens for loans and work-study. Additional information is available in the Supplemental Admission and Financial Aid materials.
Scholarship awards are made at the time of admission. Applicants who wish to be considered for USC Price scholarships must complete their admission file by December 15 and turn in the USC Price Scholarship Application Form. Awards to new students are generally renewable for a second year, assuming satisfactory academic progress in accord with university-set standards for graduate students. Awards must be used toward a degree program in USC Price.
USC also participates in federal loan programs. Graduate students who demonstrate financial need are considered for low-interest Stafford Loans as well as for College Work Study grants. Additional information is available in the Supplemental Admission and Financial Aid materials. Students who do not qualify for these programs or continue to have unmet need are encouraged to apply for supplemental loans for students.