USC Price MHA students come from all over the country and many nations around the world. They bring cultural diversity, unique perspective, and professional experience in a variety of fields related to health administration and the global healthcare industry.
Students often pursue the MHA as foundation for changing careers, moving into high-growth delivery sectors, or to assume more significant management/executive roles in their organizations. Physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other highly educated allied healthcare professionals often pursue the MHA degree to improve their management practices or to assume non-clinical roles in healthcare organizations.
While each student brings his or her own unique characteristics, all are similar in leadership potential, analytical and writing competencies, and their commitment to making a difference in the field.
USC Price students come together as a united body through involvement in the USC Price Student Associations. Participating students build collegial relationships, expand their leadership skills, and broaden their professional network.
MHA students participating in Healthcare Case Competition Club (HC3), Student Health Council (SHC), or Upsilon Phi Delta (UPD) honor society, gain opportunities to foster professional relationships within the healthcare and academic communities.
These student groups meet regularly and host several professional and social events each semester. Members of SHC, UPD, and HC3 participate in the governance of the MHA program through active involvement at the regularly scheduled meetings with the Program Director.