Career Education and Programming
Take an Assessment

Learn about your natural strengths and what motivates you through taking one (or both!) of our career assessments.
Gallup Strengths
Completing this online talent assessment is the first step in discovering what you naturally do best and then learning how to develop your greatest talents.
To better understand what your underlying motivators are—those things that get you up in the morning and working late into the night—take PRINT.
Contact Thomas Eng to learn more about each assessment tool and to access your very own login information.
Price Professional Mentor Program
One of the best takeaways from a USC education is your lifelong membership into the Trojan Family. The USC Price Professional Mentor Program is just one way our students leverage this resource.
PPMP matches students with professionals for the full academic year. Mentors serve as role models, offer advice on academic and career goals, and guide students as they develop their professional network.
Our mentors represent Los Angeles’s best and brightest and hail from organizations like: WSP, The Broad Center, the Office of Mayor Garcetti, the City of Long Beach, Davita Health Care Partners, Deloitte, City of Los Angeles, Kaiser, ICF International and City Ventures
Alumni and employers are in demand, as this program is highly valued by students. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact Thomas Eng at [email protected].