Our faculty examine the role of transportation to improve mobility options for all people, reduce pollution and GHG emissions, and contribute to making more livable cities. The METRANS Transportation Consortium focuses on solving transportation problems of large metropolitan areas through interdisciplinary research, education and outreach.
Transportation-related Academic Programs and Specializations at Price
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Price PhD student wins top prize for e-scooter travel research
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Los Angeles Times
Giuliano quoted about how the new air-rail link will affect how people access the Los Angeles airport
Featured Faculty: Genevieve Giuliano
The Washington Post
Knatz quoted about the ongoing dock worker strike and its implications for jobs, wages, and the future of work amid increasing automation
Featured Faculty: Geraldine Knatz
Wall Street Journal
Knatz quoted on the ongoing dock worker strike and its implications for jobs, wages and the future of work amid increasing automation
Featured Faculty: Geraldine Knatz
USC Today
How Fed rate cuts could fast-track California’s transit upgrades: Q&A with Genevieve Giuliano
Featured Faculty: Genevieve Giuliano
Los Angeles Daily News
Boarnet quoted on new study that offers recommendations on how to convert Los Angeles’ public transportation system into a zero-emissions fleet
Featured Faculty: Marlon Boarnet
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METRANS Transportation Consortium
METRANS is a U.S. Department of Transportation University Transportation Consortium. It is a joint partnership of USC and California State University, Long Beach. Its mission is to solve transportation problems in large metropolitan regions through interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach. Its four areas of focus are goods movement and international trade; urban mobility; transportation infrastructure and finance; and safety, security, and vulnerability.
METRANS Transportation Center Website