Academic Integrity

How to Report a Violation
If you are a faculty member with an academic integrity violation to report, please go to the following website and complete the online form:
- Undergraduate violations are processed and reviewed by SJACS.
- Graduate violations are processed at the school level and are facilitated by the Academic Integrity Coordinator (AIC). The Price School AIC is Julie Kim, Director of Academic Programs.
New Process for Graduate Student Violations
Effective fall 2017, graduate academic integrity violations are handled at the school level. Please see the following memo from USC Provost Michael Quick and Vice President for Student Affairs Ainsely Carry outlining the changes. Read USC memo »
Possible Sanctions
Sanctions for reporting an academic integrity violation may vary and do not automatically mean a student receives a failing grade or more serious consequence. SCampus provides a sanction guideline but faculty have the option to suggest an appropriate sanction and will submit their recommendation in the violation report.
For further information on sanctions, please see SCampus, Part B, Appendix A: Academic Dishonesty Sanction Guidelines