About the PIPE Collaborative
The Political Institutions and Political Economy (PIPE) Collaborative is a university-wide research endeavor jointly sponsored by the Price School’s Bedrosian Center and the Office of the Provost. The PIPE Collaborative will include faculty and graduate students with common interests in various aspects of political institutions and political economy. Political institutions usually refer to systems of politics and government, or structures of voluntary cooperation that resolve collective action problems in society. Political economy most commonly refers to studies that draw upon economics, political science, and law to explain how political institutions, the political environment, and the economic system influence each other. The program will be designed to encourage research that crosses disciplinary boundaries.
The PIPE Collaborative has three initial goals:
The first goal will be to hold a regular scholarly workshop, structured around external speakers, that will bring together USC faculty and graduate students from Price, Gould, Marshall, Dornsife (the Political Science and Economics Departments) who have an interest in political institutions and political economy. The workshop will provide a regular forum for PIPE scholarship and create an environment for new collaborations to develop.
The second goal will be to host an annual PIPE Collaborative conference. This conference will include scholars from other universities who specialize in the study of political institutions and political economy, with regular attendees of the PIPE Collaborative playing meaningful roles (paper givers, panel chairs, panel discussants). We hope this annual conference will become the go-to conference for political institutions and political economy scholars.
The third goal will be to create symposia on important new PIPE books, classic/important PIPE books reaching an anniversary, and new research programs that promise to have a significant influence in the academy. Four such symposia will be held each academic year. Symposia participants (authors, critics, etc.) will be invited to USC and contribute to panels organized around the book or research program. The symposia will serve to create broad exposure for the PIPE Collaborative and provide a recognized venue for the scholarly debate.