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PricePod: Public Policy Conversations
Featured Episode
Owning a home has long been promoted as a tenet of the American Dream, but many Americans now find that dream out of reach. Last year, the share of first-time home buyers shrank to historic lows, according to the National Association of Realtors. To help us understand the causes of the housing crisis and how we can solve it, we are joined by Richard Green, director and chair of the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate.
Our Podcasts
The Price School has produced multiple podcasts, including our flagship school podcase, the PricePod. The PricePod bridges the gap between theory and practice, offering new perspectives on how public policy impacts our lives and communities. Our conversations with USC Price School faculty range far and wide, from issues like traffic gridlock and the homelessness crisis to the spiraling cost of healthcare and corruption in politics.
Bedrosian Book Club
An audio book club. Our geeks read and discuss new and classic works in the policy field – fictional and non. Social justice, tech, politics, policy … we cover it all and more. Let’s think about what is at the heart of being a citizen in America. This book club helps us get at the heart of what it means to be a citizen in a democracy. Sponsored by the USC Bedrosian Center.
Lusk Perspectives
Hosted by Professor and Lusk Center Director Richard K. Green in the style of longform videos or podcasts, Lusk Perspectives offers timely analysis and shares accurate data vetted by leading experts on the latest developments and observations concerning COVID-19.
Los Angeles Hashtags Herself
This limited series podcast features representatives of various Angeleno private and public organizations leading the critical trend of using digital media for urban and social development. This diverse group serves as both a reminder and an analytical insight that digital media are neither just “useful” nor peculiar to the sharing and cultural economies, but fast becoming standard to the practice of material and social placemaking. Sponsored by the USC Bedrosian Center.
P.S. You’re Interesting
P.S. You’re Interesting is a series of conversations on political science research hosted by Jeffery A. Jenkins. Formerly, “Our American Discourse,” P.S. You’re Interesting continues the series to pick up the tradition Anthony W. Orlando began: to keep thinking about the research we do in the academy, why it matters to us, and hopefully to you. Sponsored by the USC Bedrosian Center.
The California Recall: Its First 20 Years
The 2003 recall of California’s governor, and his replacement with Arnold Schwarzenegger, was more than just history. For Americans, the recall previewed how our politics would grow louder, more populist, more direct. For Californians, Schwarzenegger’s election started a new wave of action-oriented, people-driven governance, with major advances for children, environmental protection, and democratic reform. The California Recall: Its First 20 Years shows that while the recall may be two decades old, it still isn’t over.
The Bigger Picture
The Bigger Picture works to unearth the connections between scholars and the communities in which we live and work. How these connections are working to germinate new ideas and serve our community. Scholars, activists, and practitioners share how their communities impact research, how their research works toward the betterment of their communities as well as more effective democracy together.