Undergraduate Minors
Students enrolled in a USC undergraduate degree program may pursue a minor in the Price School of Public Policy. Our interdisciplinary minors can counterbalance or complement a main area of study. Particularly appropriate for students who might work in professions across which public policy plays a vital role, Price School minors are a path to specialization that can provide a competitive advantage in a student’s job search or for those who intend to apply to graduate school.
We encourage all who are interested in a USC Price minor program to talk with an academic advisor before making an application.
Steps to add a minor:
1) Please complete and submit the online application »
2) You will receive an e-mail once your application has been processed. The e-mail will include a confirmation and information on advising. Please allow two business weeks for applications to be processed.
Please contact our office with questions:
Office of Admissions and Recruitment
(213) 740-0550
[email protected]
Contact Us

Ashley Henne,
Associate Director of Admissions
(213) 740-1036
[email protected]