USC Price School students gain access to exceptional research opportunities, particularly through the school’s Student Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program. Students often collaborate on studies with a Price faculty member. Recent projects include:
SURE provides USC Price undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct funded research in collaboration with a Price faculty member. Applicants must be declared undergraduate major in the Price School of Public Policy, have earned a minimum cumulative USC and major GPA of 3.0. They must also submit a signed agreement with a Price full-time faculty sponsor and a one-page description of the research plan, a current STARS report. A detailed budget for how the research funding will be used. The maximum amount of the award is $2,000, award must be used only to cover costs of the research (may include travel, equipment, living expenses and other fees associated with the research. Application deadlines: Fall research July 3; Spring research, October 3, and Summer research February 3.