
Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Organizational theory and behavior
Organizational change
Ecological governance
Collaborative organizing
Interorganizational networks
Peter Robertson is an Associate Professor at the USC Price School of Public Policy. His research and teaching interests focus on the development and implementation of collaborative organizational systems that enhance the quality of life for human beings, their communities, and the natural environment. The foci of his latest publications include conceptual papers proposing a set of organizing principles for collaborative organizational and governance systems, investigations into real-world efforts to create collaborative inter-organizational systems, and the results of agent-based computer simulations exploring the dynamics of collaborative decision-making mechanisms. Earlier research has addressed issues pertaining to interorganizational networks, employee attitudes and behavior, the process and outcomes of organizational change, and school-based management as a mechanism for public school reform. Professor Robertson’s research has been published in a number of journals and books, including the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Management Review, Public Administration Review, Academy of Management Journal, Educational Administration Quarterly, and Research in Organizational Change and Development. He has provided consulting and training for a variety of organizations, and is a member of the Academy of Management, the Public Management Research Association, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
Dr. Robertson wrote a series of essays in 2014-15, for the USC Bedrosian Center, which addressed a number of issues relevant to contemporary society by articulating a perspective that runs counter to the dominant narrative of modern culture.
Selected Publications
- Choi, T., & Robertson, P. J. (2014). Caucuses in collaborative governance: Modeling the effects of structure, power, and problem complexity. International Journal of Public Management, 17(2), 224-254.
- Robertson, P., & Harder, J. (2021). Ecological Organizing: Implications of Evolving Cultural Values for Organization and Strategy. In T. K. Das, (Ed.), Cultural Values in Strategy and Organization. Charlotte, NC.
- Han, Y., & Robertson, P. J. (2021). Public Employee Accountability: An Empirical Examination of a Nomological Network. Public Performance & Management Review, 44(3), 494-522.