Meet the Team
USC Price Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
What is DEI? Diversity is counting the numbers, representing who is here (everyone is invited). Equity is counting the costs, redirecting resources, removing barriers to opportunity and success (everyone gets to thrive). Inclusion is counting the voices, recognizing who is being heard and who participates (everyone gets to contribute).
DEI at the Price school is integral to the overall mission of the school. In order to respond to issues of equity, diversity, opportunity, and access, DEI has a standing committee that provides strategic and administrative support and insight from our major stakeholder groups-student, staff, faculty, and alumni. Current members of the DEI Standing Committee:
DEI Internal Standing Committee
- Lavonna Lewis
- Dana Goldman
- Briana Taylor
- Donnajean Ward
- Juliet Musso
- Antonio Bento
- Mary Lynne Boorn
- Nicole Esparza
- Alice Chen
- Mary Peralta
- Carol Rush
- Kristi Patton
- Price Alumni Reps
– Pernell Jones
– Ifunanya Nweke - Price Student Led Organizations
Interested in supporting our DEI efforts, please contact [email protected].
Administrative Leadership
- Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Dr. Lavonna Lewis leads the various DEI Initiatives and task forces at the Sol Price School of Public Policy and participates in this work throughout the university. She describes herself as a “peacemaker in a time of war”. She spearheaded the effort that led to the receipt of the Diversity Award from NASPAA in 20. She is also a Teaching Professor of Public Policy and has a long history of community-engaged research.
- Special Project Manager for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Donnajean Ward supports and participates in our Price DEI efforts including maintaining DEI resources, promoting diversity-orientated events and serving as a liaison to USC’s DEI resources, programs, activities and opportunities for engagement campus-wide.
- Senior Program Administrator Briana Taylor is the team’s newest member. She will be managing and directing the Diversity Scholar Program housed at the Price School, under the dean’s office. She will also be supporting the overall Price DEI mission along with continuing her role at the Schaeffer Center managing the Resource Center for Minority Aging Research.
Available USC & Price Resources:
- Moving Forward Hosted DEI Space
- Learning DEI Community
- USC Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX
- USC Race and Equity Center
Price Student Led Organizations
The Price School of Public Policy student body is drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and interests. They are leaders and problem solvers who are actively engaged in their respective fields. If you are a student and would like to get involved, we encourage you to explore our student associations. No matter the group or its focus, you can make a difference by sharing your unique perspective and advocating for diverse communities.
- Advanced Degree Consulting Club (ADCC)
- Associated Students of Planning and Development (ASPD)
- Cities Club (Formerly Undergraduate Planning @ Price)
- Graduate Policy and Administration Community (GPAC)
- Healthcare Case Competition Club
- Homeland Security Student Organization
- Mentorship for an Accessible Price
- Price Latinx Student Association
- Price PhD Association
- Public Policy Undergraduates at Price (PPUG)
- Student Health Council (SHC)
- Trojan Real Estate Association (TREA)
- Upsilon Phi Delta Healthcare Administration Society