B.S. in Public Policy Research Opportunities
USC Price School students gain access to exceptional research opportunities, particularly through the school’s Student Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program. Students often collaborate on studies with a Price faculty member. Recent projects include:
- Female empowerment and adolescent health and well-being in Ghana and South Africa
- An exploration of the positive and negative impacts of privatization on Spain’s health system
- A study to advance cancer screening guidelines, designed and administered with 6,000 primary health care providers
- A comparison of the nutrition resource environment in South Los Angeles with the nutrition resource environment of the Garment District in New York City
Student Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
SURE provides USC Price undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct funded research in collaboration with a Price faculty member. Applicants must be declared undergraduate major in the Price School of Public Policy, have earned a minimum cumulative USC and major GPA of 3.0. They must also submit a signed agreement with a Price full-time faculty sponsor and a one-page description of the research plan, a current STARS report. A detailed budget for how the research funding will be used. The maximum amount of the award is $2,000, award must be used only to cover costs of the research (may include travel, equipment, living expenses and other fees associated with the research. Application deadlines: Fall research July 3; Spring research, October 3, and Summer research February 3.