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Jorge Luis Garcia

Visiting Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Management

Headshot of Jorge Luis Garcia


Ph.D., The University of Chicago 2018


Dr. García is an applied micro-economist working at the intersection of labor and development economics. His research investigates early childhood education, fertility, and labor force participation, and aims to generate scientific knowledge that contributes to creating socially efficient public policy for tackling poverty, both domestically and internationally. The subjects of his current projects are poor women and their children, either in the United States or developing countries. In a recent project, he is a principal investigator in a randomized trial of guaranteed basic income targeted to poor individuals living in rural and semi-rural areas of South Carolina.

Dr. García is an assistant professor at the John E. Walker Department of Economics of Clemson University. He joined the USC Sol Price School of Policy as a visiting assistant professor in Spring 2024, where he will conduct research and teach PPDE 661: Methods for Equity Analysis.