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LaVonna B. Lewis

Professor (Teaching)

Vice Dean of Community Dialogue and Engagement

Headshot of LaVonna Lewis


Ph.D., Political Science, Rice University


American politics
Public policy (most notably health policy)
Interest groups
Federal programs


LaVonna Blair Lewis, Ph.D., MPH, is a Teaching Professor and the Vice Dean of Dialogue and Community Engagement at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. She joined the University of Southern California faculty in the Fall of 1996.

Dr. Lewis’ areas of research consistently focus on cultural competency and the health status and health care needs of underrepresented groups. She is currently involved in addressing racial disparities cardiovascular disease and diabetes through the Community Health Councils, Inc., African American Building a Legacy of Health Project. The project, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a community based project that explores individual, organizational, and community support for (and barriers to) healthy living.

Her work has appeared in the American Journal of Public Health, the Journal of General Internal Medicine, and other health management and policy journals. Moreover, all of the work to date has employed a community based participatory research framework that partners with the relevant stakeholder groups in developing the research questions.

She is member of the Board of Directors for the Association of University Programs in Health Administration; and the Standards Council for the Commission on Accreditation in Health Management Education. She is also a member of several associations including the American College of Healthcare Executives and Community Campus Partnerships for Health.

Selected Publications

Affiliated Research Centers

METRANS Transportation Consortium

METRANS Transportation Consortium is a joint partnership of USC and California State University, Long Beach. Its mission is to solve transportation problems in large metropolitan regions through interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach.

Bedrosian Center on Governance

Effective governance is essential to the quality of life of all Americans. The center is dedicated to understanding and improving the nature of democratic governance, policymaking, and management of the public enterprise in the 21st century. The center provides a highly visible focal point for imaginative research, policy analysis, and dialogue across the university. Through public discussion, the center focuses on pressing issues facing society and integrates conversations with civic education, which is at the heart of strong communities.

Sol Price Center for Social Innovation

The Sol Price Center for Social Innovation was established with the recent gift to name the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. This new center aims to advance ideas, strategies, and practices that enhance the quality of life for people in urban communities.


July 3, 2023 Dr. Lewis is promoted to serve as Vice Dean at the USC Price School.