Minor in Real Estate Development
The minor in Real Estate Development provides students an overview of the field — its principles, urban context and history, and finance. The minor requires 20 units, including four core classes and 4 units of electives.
The minor is intended for students interested in a career in real estate or related areas such as architecture, construction, finance, urban planning, or entrepreneurial ventures.
Required Courses
Students are required to take the following courses:
Core courses (16 units):
- RED 200 Introduction to Real Estate (4 units)
- One from:
- PPD 227 Urban Planning and Development (4 units) or
- PPD 245 Urban Context for Policy and Planning (4 units)
- RED 362 Real Estate Development Fundamentals (4 units)
- One from:
- FBE 400x Introduction to Real Estate Finance and Development (4 units) or
RED 375 Real Estate Development Analysis (4 units)
- FBE 400x Introduction to Real Estate Finance and Development (4 units) or
Electives – Choose One (4 units):
- RED 351 Land Use Regulation (4 units)
- RED 398 Shaping Cities Through Real Estate (2 or 4 units)
- RED 417 History of Planning and Development (4 units)
- RED 425 Designing Livable Communities Units (4 units)
- RED 435 Analyzing Real Estate Markets (4 units)
- RED 469 Mixed Use Development Process (4 units)
- PPD 358 Urban and Regional Economics Units (4 units)
- PPD 360 Urban Transportation Planning and Policy (4 units)
- PPD 361 Sustainable Communities, Policy and Planning Units (4 units)
- PPD 364 Technology and the City (4 units)
- PPD 422 Transportation and Technology and the Future of Mobility (4 units)
- PPD 439 Housing and Community Development Units (4 units)
For detailed course information, please see the Course Catalogue. For a course schedule, please see the Schedule of Classes.
To declare this minor program, please click here.
Please contact our office with questions:
Office of Admissions – [email protected]