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Wändi Bruine de Bruin

Provost Professor of Public Policy, Psychology, and Behavioral Science

Director, USC Schaeffer Behavioral Science and Policy Initiative

Headshot of Wandi Bruine de Bruin


PhD Behavioral Decision Research and Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University


Psychology of risk perception and communication
Health behavior and patient decision making
Public perceptions of climate change and sustainability
Economic expectations and financial decision making
Behavior change interventions
Social science of science communication
Age differences in decision making and well-being


Wändi Bruine de Bruin is Provost Professor of Public Policy, Psychology, and Behavioral Science at the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California (USC), and director of the USC Behavioral Science and Policy Initiative. Her research aims to understand and inform how people make decisions about their personal health, their carbon footprint, and their household finances. She has published more than 170 peer-reviewed publications on these topics. She is an editorial board member for Perspectives on Psychological Science, the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Decision, Medical Decision Making, the Journal of Risk Research, and Psychology and Aging. She served on the National Academy of Sciences committee on Communicating Science Effectively, the National Academy of Sciences committee on Respiratory Protection for the Public and Workers without Respiratory Protection Programs at their Workplaces. and the Council of the Canadian Academies committee on Health Product Risk Communication. Her recent projects focus on what to call vegan food, whether we should change the term we use for climate change, improving IPCC graphs, Medicare Part D beneficiaries’ difficulties with comparing plans, and using the Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll to understand and inform people’s risk perceptions around the world.

Selected videos

*USC Price Faculty Bio

*When Science Speaks Podcast 

*National Academies of Sciences: Science of Science Communication

Selected publications

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Affiliated Research Centers

Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics

The Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics aims to measurably improve value in health through evidence-based policy solutions, research, and educational excellence. The center is regarded as one of the world's top health policy research organizations, and its experts are regularly sought out by lawmakers, private-sector leaders, and the media for insights on pressing healthcare challenges.


January 3, 2022 Dr. Bruine de Bruin joins the editorial board of Perspectives on Psychological Science.