Students may elect to audit courses. A course taken under audit (V) will not earn students any credit and will not appear on the USC transcript or grade report. Prior to auditing a course, students should seek approval from the instructor. If there is insufficient room in the course, those students taking the course for credit have priority students wishing to audit.
Applications requesting to audit a USC Price School course may be obtained from the Price Student Affairs Office (RGL 108) or the Registration Office (REG). Students wishing to audit a course must officially register for audit (V) and are assessed the current tuition rate for the course. Enrolling or changing to audit is a process that is not available by TouchTone telephone or web registration and must be completed during the first three weeks of the semester. This process is not reversible after the third week of the semester.
For additional information, visit the Registration: Audited Courses section of the USC Catalogue.